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Jan 11, 11:02 PM

May 2024
Other place and toooooooo many peoples
Ancient friend whom I blocked irl and she was sad about it
Huge building and insaneeee Earthquake(the building was swinging and people were rolling on floor) and too many peoples
-snowblood-Jan 17, 2:00 AM
Jan 17, 1:54 AM

May 2024
Can't remember much
My mum was a tiger and she was chasing me and my dad and we came around a house panicking and sweaty and locked in a room but the tiger was trying to break the lock. But it thankfully shifted to another dream..

High hills, some temple, my family, etc

Too many snakes ughh like there was no place to place the feet. Yikes!!
Jan 17, 7:31 PM

Sep 2021
Jan 17, 7:36 PM

Dec 2015
I've got dreams
Of finding out what all of this is for
It's you and me
And everywhere we go leading to an open door

We've made our mistakes
The good and bad days
But nothing really breaks if I got you
Look at the sky
When you go outside
And know there is nothing
To keep me back from you

one meow a day keeps the worries away

Jan 18, 12:12 AM

Jul 2023
I dreamt about my past crush again. I saw her for like 10 seconds and we only said hi to each other


"Fine, I'll use this set properly, hmpf"
Also, thank you Viraat

Jan 18, 1:20 AM

May 2024
I visited psychiatrist and they didn't inquired much just gave me few medication. Chill winter atmosphere almost 1900s vibes, late in the evening, I dunno where I was but I was poor. And after getting medication I was returning to home and I had to go to public water supply to collect water in bucket. And I sat near the tap, and there was rich lady doctor in neighbor who looked down on me for some reason...lmao please don't victimize yourself in dreams.

Some place, I went for interview and got selected. But I failed in grad school final ;-; so I had to postpone training.

Hollow field, there were very few people I was laying on grass and I think I was a hot cowboy lmao....then I became a girl and streets. A childhood friend she called me and we prepared noodles.
Jan 24, 11:23 AM

May 2024
Same hugeee house, unending stairs, weird family, mom, me?

Frontdoor (north)
Slopy roads, mountain and rivers. Suddenly everything became of stone. I mean everything living became of stone.
Someone died and a boy on horse, idk which period. And I was by side and someone important just died. We were numb and he destroyed the place or some building (anicient structure) with bows and arrow. This boy was also stone and his horse too. And his weapons too. Just everything.

Oh lord!!

Jan 24, 11:51 PM

Nov 2009
I cant remember

But i dreamt the sound of a dropped keybundle hitting the ground and woke up
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jan 25, 4:01 AM

Nov 2023
Interior decorating store is the setting. Trying to learn piano in a tower, putting grey and blue icing on cupcakes then eating sprinkles and spitting them out cuz they’re disgusting , arguing with two dead beats, Mac miller singing a Japanese song about stars

Normal dream for me by the sounds of it
Jan 25, 7:56 PM

Nov 2009
A dream and then suddenly a nightmare cause there was puddles of piss with blood in it outside their room and then i found their reading glasses in one of them puddles of piss as well.

... its probably cause i had to clean blood and shit from other family pants while they shouted at me two days ago. They shouted and was vile cause i asked them to wash their hands after touching the toilet and then they yelled slurs and shit at me cause i then set a boundary and said hey not ok speak ok to me when im helping out. Its not my fault you dont wash your hands when you should. And then they tried to gaslight me and i was not having it. I was calm and collected just refused to give in to manipulation. Id only had 2 hours sleep their behaviour was insane. I refuse to be your fcking punching bag too. Im done. Fck off with that shit.
DostojevskijJan 25, 8:06 PM
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jan 26, 2:37 AM

Jul 2023
I was skiing in the Mátra with my highschool class but... with ice skates?


"Fine, I'll use this set properly, hmpf"
Also, thank you Viraat

Jan 26, 6:50 AM

May 2024
Backdoor( Can't navigate what place)

Some school, a kid ( absolutely do not have idea who is this boy) and I've fallen in love head over heels. Some riots and someone died. This boy was sad very sad. He had genuine smile on face but can't remember the face. And I was looking at that sweet smile on his face with sparkles on my eyes.

He was so so hopeless but wasn't open about it and instead wanted me to calm down and he hold my hand and I was a kid too. And I was so so desperate to hug him. I could really feel the agony inside him and wanted to heal but ... Can't remember after that..

And then some other place a small house, field and some elderly person doing field work. Bridges, it was evening...

Dreamt a lottt but can't remember a shit!!!

-snowblood-Jan 26, 7:24 AM
Jan 28, 2:32 AM

Nov 2009
...lots of things...

Someone had 3-4 fingers cut off i think.. dunno if it was me... it wasnt an accident.
Was going through a marsh and tunnels to get to somewhere.
Something overpriced.
Lived in the capital somewhere.
Spoke with someone.
Was scared of someone else.
Was in different bodies and ages.
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jan 28, 12:37 PM

May 2024
Business school? People wanted to get photos. Few I knew (from HS) and few I didn't. And then everyone got on a bus. We were going somewhere.
A girl beside me and a guy in front if her. They were slightly flirting. ( I think I know them not classmates but same high school). Then I saw a train like in dragon shape, white in color, partially floating and partially on roads.
so surprised, I asked the girl like, "what the heck is that??????" Is that a real thing? She told me, "yes! I've been on that with my grandma and cousins". I think there was also weird animal maybe horse? and people walking here and there for something, etc.
But I was still in shock.

Then some class, too many students. And teacher was noting down something and she told 5 students from another class?? Someone told yes. Can't remember.

Again, on bus I asked do you know *the way* after river, huge rocks and cave? I was lost there before(in some previous dream). She told yeah I think I know and she asked that guy beside her, do you know the way? And they were still flirting and I wasn't looking just I knew and felt kinda shy. Something on guy's forehead and she was cleaning it off with hanky? And I was just looking other sides lmao they were hella cutee.

Then I dunno where I was ( possibly backdoor of dream), I was in my house and looking at some guy in his balcony. I think he was single child and he lived with his mom, I just saw him and thought something.....
Can't remember after that.
Jan 28, 1:37 PM

Sep 2020
I always dream of people I don’t know and places I’ve never been to. It’s fun because it feels like I’ve been in another universe since my dreams are very vivid and realistic, with colors and everything. Last night, I dreamed so much that when I woke up, I felt overwhelmed. All I remember is living in a place with a girl, and in her room, there was a spirit or a ghost bothering her by turning the lights on and off. Honestly, I don’t remember anything else.

Sorry if I write something incorrect, English is not my native language.

Jan 30, 2:20 AM

Nov 2009

One i was iinside an about 8-12 yearold girls body and i was walking away from a meeting with adult representatives like others were too to go to the loo before starting but my legs were all bruised up like now and they could see it cause i was in a dress or skirt and it felt humiliating like shit.
Then when i got a stall people did something to her in the bathroom and filmed it then i was inside the bullys eyes later afterwards who was trying to spread it about soneone it did not happen to i think. Then i was inside that person and i turned it around, did the same but made people believe it was the bully girl in the picture or video just casually stealth. Those two were late teens. Im not sure if i did it or i was just inside of them. But it worked. Damn girl.

Other dream i was inside a young adult man. We had escaped barely. Had to lie to someone before we left too. To not make them notice i was packing. Me and my parents who was his parents but they were different, not my real parents but it felt like it was them very much it felt like my parents. We were hiding on top of a cliff outside this giant building entrance with soft grass on the top platform and with the sunny ocean below it. But i still felt like it was inside or like under the big buildings so there was kinda a roof but we couldnt be seen from above at least. I tried to hide something behind a cliff then found a jewlery box someone else had left and it had two skull dices with numbers on. Coordinates and whatever. Then i thought probably a treasure mab for someones stuff. Thought it was smart and wanted to hide it again so my dad wouldnt get ideas to waste time. I dunno if thats why my dad didnt want to leave i dunno he had something that made him unvilling to and see me as a bothersome pest again cause i keep it real. I tried to make him and thus mom leave for days then a spirit or something came to bottom of the cliff i think asked my dad something scolded him for his answer and his answer made me ready to leave by myself when they kept refusing and didnt want to. I began to put stuff in my bag, i was very sad leaving my mom we talked while i was picking up and finding a few objects and she was just kind and loved me and understood and wanted me to take care. She was bunkers but it didnt stop her from also loving me. And i was just so sad but if they didnt want to leave i had to leave. This was insane. It was probably too late but had to try anyway.

I tried to go but ofc it was too late someone spotted me when i was walking down a hall. I ran up some stairs by the front door waited till they were half up and jumped over the glass fence and down on the ground below then i ran like shit and then i was meeting up with a friend apparently they called me on a phone i didnt know i had on me they didnt want to catch me while i was on the phone with someone apparently. They fell back a bit then i saw this new friend a bald man at the busstop i remembered talking to earlier cant remember. Taking the bus seems dum but who knows. And maybe dats why they fell back too at a point. Had made my friend pretend he didnt know me then the bus arrived but then the men was physically blocking the way for the mom beside me so she couldnt get on and just stood still with her kids. They just wanted me to get on. So obviously they wanted to capture me that way if it wasnt a trick. In the moment i just felt like i had no way out and my spirit just fell. Just cause id stayed back to try and convince my crazy parents to leave too and hadnt left in time at once like id wanted to. Always shooting myself in the leg. 😴

Earlier i also had a dream of being in the USA and talking about the woods and why they had so much lumber was obviously bla bla...

Then i tried to stop someone from slitting the throat of someone who had killed their brother. The man was hanging unconscious from a horse and i was trying to convince him not to. Dunno if i could. Cant remember the image probably switched to another dream or i woke up.
There was also something about the train. My family. Seeing them again i remember doing that too seeing them. 😴 not my parents other family. It was unrelated to the getting caught dream nightmare tho. I think he just yeah. It was over for him.
DostojevskijJan 30, 2:30 AM
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jan 30, 10:54 PM

Sep 2020
I have had multiple nightmares in a while (usually I don't even get dream so often)
Jan 30, 11:03 PM
Jul 2018
I was in a car with my ex bf and he was driving drunk and recklessly. I was yelling at him to pull the car over and he drove off the road into the ditch and turned it upside down . as I came to I was struggling with dragging him unconscious out of the vehicle I heard other people shouting and screaming. Then I looked up and saw it. Like a great black moon getting larger and larger, and the earth was shaking. All around there was bedlam and chaos and thenI woke up.
Feb 3, 3:54 AM

May 2024
The first one was sweet but I mean what?!?! I was romancing, dancing, getting close with *his* student in university and it was the evening time? lmao

Second, half awake half asleep suffocating I felt some unknown hands on my neck(on the left side) and it was trying kill me l....can't remember after that

Third I saw tall man with long hairs and beards he was saying something to me and smiling ...can't remember
Feb 4, 2:20 AM

Dec 2023
i dreamt about going in a very big bookstore with my mom, and i found an encyclopedia of LOONA, THE KPOP GROUP - full of the history of it, the different era the girls had etc. But the most ridiculous thing was that you could get VR googles with which you can watch their performances, dance tutorials, different outfits 💀 bruh
"Oh, my Clematis. Please, stay by my side."

Feb 6, 10:11 AM

Jun 2020
explored a lot of dream worlds with someone very pleasant
Feb 6, 10:29 AM

May 2024
So horrible my heart is beating so loud

I think it was another country and the village very near to no man land. I had a friend there ( in dream not real) and her parents wanted her to get married. Her parents convinced my parents too and in return they would gift the guy ( i was going to get marry) some land ?!? (They were peasant ???) it was evening and friend was happy. I told my mum that my friend is going to deceive her parents she is only doing it for wealth and money. Mum knew it but she didn't cared much. I think she didn't liked the idea of my marriage

I got married too in small family function and this guy i dunno if it was a human being it looked like a male doll brought into life. Too scary and it was a psychopath or just real mad. Nahh i don't think it was human at all. This thing promised my parents that it will let me continue my studies turned upside down the scenes in the dream. The thing I was married to it waa just so small almost a doll size and it came near me and tried kissing on lips but i didn't let it. I was just sitting on chair and then it started drawing under its knee and knee was elongating along with drawing. Lets suppose its a doll and it started building (drawing) fake world underneath his knee and showing me "we shall be going here and there". It was real world for him. I was scared asf and called my dad. " Dadddd plzzz come and see whats this psychopath doing!!! Come to me dadd seee whats it doing???" And that doll!! It was conscious of people around it and it was still drawing (with red marker) cause he knew about that dad walks slow due to his disability. Even mum was beside my dad but I couldn't call her ( suffocating sleep paralysis) and then dad was almost there almosttt and I was suffocating I knew that both of my parents were worried for me that I am going to get killed. But then I thought no this doll will even kill them its just trying to act fake but actually is very conscious and it was just weaving webs and trap to kill us..... It just stopped drawing under his knee when dad came but I managed to open my eyes!!!

Still suffocating
-snowblood-Feb 6, 11:02 AM
Feb 12, 11:17 AM

Sep 2020
I dreamed that I had to do a solo choreography at my elementary school. There was a boy, and then a girl appeared. I thought the song I chose was old and that the girl wouldn’t know it since she was a child, but she told me she knew it and that it was a classic. I fell "asleep" in the dream and woke up at 4:03 AM (people say it's very rare to see the time in a dream, but I always do). I woke up in my previous room, the one I had when I was younger, and realized that I had missed the dance I was supposed to do because I had fallen "asleep"
I left my room and saw UFOs through my window. First, I saw a red light, then more spinning lights, white and red, followed by two giant black ships (this is normal, I'm a fan of UFOs and watch a lot of videos on TikTok).
At the same time, I heard my aunt in my house, which seemed strange, why would she be there at 4 AM? I went back to my room to get my phone to record the UFOs, but when I looked at the sky again, nothing was there :'D
That was the end of the dream, and then I woke up in a lucid dream, I feel a presence behind me, I try to turn around to look, but I can't no matter how hard I try, I tried several times until I was forced to wake up.
This was very frustrating for me, whenever I have lucid dreams, I feel a presence behind me, but I can never turn around to see it. No matter how hard I try to turn, the only thing I manage to do is wake up.
CosmicGirlFeb 12, 11:35 AM

Sorry if I write something incorrect, English is not my native language.

Feb 12, 4:01 PM

Jan 2024
I dreamt I was invited to the Google Banquet finally after all my hard work contributing and becoming a local guide for google maps. I reviewed a bunch of restaurants in the past just for this
"I dont want to feel like that anymore. The game ended before my eyes, and I was stuck in the dugout. If only I had been much better. I'll become the ace myself."
Feb 22, 2:36 PM

Sep 2020
My mom and another women appear in my room and start dancing. They do it three times, and on the third time, I shout at them, but they don’t even look at me. Then, I suddenly appear somewhere else a house I don’t recognize watching a blond guy I also don’t know. He was calmly sitting, and I knew from the start that I was dreaming.

What I enjoy about lucid dreams is that I always do things to see what happens. This time, I hit the guy, and he got scared. Then I threw something at him, and he got even more scared, but he couldn’t see me I was like a ghost.

Then, I appear in the street, and people are fighting. A woman stabs a man in the back with a stick 😐, and I get scared and run to the other side of the street. When I turn around, there was another man next to him… but with a stick up his butt. 😂

Sorry if I write something incorrect, English is not my native language.

Feb 23, 1:49 AM

Nov 2009
Lot of things..

Something with horses in the forest. Running. Shot a missile at someone in the sky. Nighttime over a city. A bridge.

I was a child in some of them.

Last one was a nightmare.. my parent was sitting in my teen room, i was adult me then, it was now theirs, their skin was flaking off they had all red patches everywhere and they were saying gibberish, and their eyes were so filled they had so much ... and i felt so sorry and sad for them and guilty even tho i know its not my fault.

They have these eyes like a child.

*Starts crying again 🫠🖕

I love my parent its so unfair. They have so much intelligence, love and stuff inside but it got all melted.

I also dreamt of old social worker sitting by themself and being lonely and isolating. Like their colleague said as if they were grieving. As if i had to solve it. And earlier it was like they had earlier married my parent or something so that was weird. When i woke up i was like for a while "that wasnt true right" *brain filled with snot cannot think* and then i remember nono he had a wife and kids now 🤣 urgh 🤢 brains be weird.
DostojevskijFeb 23, 1:55 AM
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Feb 27, 10:21 AM

May 2024
Unbelievable things counting counting counting and counting and numbers
Feb 27, 10:25 AM

Jan 2025
It will take too long to explain, but just know I was being chased by a shark with legs
/) /) ~ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
( •-• ) ~ ♡ Kill Yourself ♡
/づづ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Mar 3, 2:57 PM

May 2024
Bullying nightmare

Library and school, desks
Shoerack and locker room
Some classmate had kept a kid who they didn't liked inside that shoerack and locker room. He was tortured badly. And I witnessed that by mistake (He was all tied, beaten and laying below from several days). Victim was begging me to save them. To do a eye contact ...But I didn't wanted to be their next victim as I was in bully's friend group. They were trying to do something more to the victim idk and gave call to some other horrible kids that why should they wait up till the morning, lets finish him right now.
I ran away from there kept running and came to my bedroom, hid myself inside blanket.
Mar 8, 8:50 PM
best user ever

May 2022
I keep dreaming that I find a bunch of secret rooms in my house I never knew were there, like last night I had a dream I found a hidden extra bedroom behind my closet, I woke up the next morning, opened my closet thinking it was actually real and felt absolutely disappointed.
Mar 15, 10:53 PM

May 2024

I was all ready for my conference meeting until it changed into urban fantasy🤣

Idk what creature it was almost like berserker with sword came towards me with speed of light and it was night time and his eyes white electric and I just failed....

Don't remember clearly
Mar 15, 11:11 PM
⎠⎞ >⏝⏝<⎠⎞

Apr 2015
I forgot but it was lucidly scary as usual :v
Mar 15, 11:30 PM

Sep 2021
Got the keys to my friend's house and for some reason I went there when no one was home then their parents came back and I had to hide from them. All in all very scary dream for some reason
Yesterday, 7:32 AM

May 2024
A firefly was darting around my room while I tried to curl up under my blanket and it was dark but its light glowing in darkness

Weird dream ... It felt so real
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