Nitro VS Electric - The Final Experiment!

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Let's compare the Arrma Kraton Nitro Vs Arrma Kraton Electric RC Bashers! Which one will come out on top!
  • РазвлеченияРазвлечения

Комментарии • 849

  • @UrbanLegendRC
    @UrbanLegendRC 2 дня назад +29

    That nitro Kraton is a beast imo . You are changing the way we all look at our rc cars as far as modifications. Because no one is raising the bar like you and were all enjoying every minute of it

    • @MigySaan
      @MigySaan 2 дня назад

      You said it bro

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      Glad you're enjoying it plenty more to come!

    • @UrbanLegendRC
      @UrbanLegendRC 6 часов назад +1

      @ I host livestreams and would love to invite you on as a special guest if you have time

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  6 часов назад +2

      @UrbanLegendRC hey I appreciate that though I don't usually do stuff live because of personal health reasons. It's complicated

  • @irmudman8103
    @irmudman8103 2 дня назад +17

    Not intended as a nitro video but the disassembly and inspection is one of the best in RUclips!!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks I'm glad you found it insightful!

  • @Nerm78
    @Nerm78 2 дня назад +10

    This series has been one of the most interesting ever. Great work, Mr. Mad scientist! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks for watching :-)

  • @djayuntz
    @djayuntz 2 дня назад +22

    This brings me back 20 years and asking the magic question of T-Maxx vs E-Maxx. This made me so happy!

    • @michaelgraham2943
      @michaelgraham2943 2 дня назад

      I have both and the E-MAXX makes a good dust collector 😁

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @bustedaw11
      @bustedaw11 2 дня назад +1

      Tmaxx is still the king sir 😂
      Man, I remember well... back in that day though a single or even double motor emaxx on nicd or nihm batteries wasn't anywhere near as powerful as the tmaxx. That's how they anywhere back before brushless though.
      Brushless is amazing but has no soul compared to a good ol nitro.
      I still/currently have 4 tmaxx's in my collection and it's still 1 of my funnest next to my insane 6s notorious..

    • @michaelgraham2943
      @michaelgraham2943 2 дня назад

      @@bustedaw11 exactly 👍

    • @deanhaslen93
      @deanhaslen93 День назад

      I would put a bigger nitro in that for sure the 28 is just simply not quite enough for that size rc

  • @justinm6110
    @justinm6110 2 дня назад +17

    I love the nitro content, made me go blow the dust off my Hpi savage XL and get it running again after sitting in my garage for 8+ years and wow I forgot how much fun it is listening to the noise and smoke from nitro 😊

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +5

      Yep there's no replacement for it. I don't run my nitros super often but when I do they always put a smile on my face.

    • @RcPlayer-tt2vw
      @RcPlayer-tt2vw 11 часов назад

      Same and same sooni got really lazy with ekectric

  • @westhobbiesrc8051
    @westhobbiesrc8051 2 дня назад +12

    I have to say, you are doing stuff that no one else is! Great job man!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +3

      Glad you're enjoying it :-)

  • @NitroPimp
    @NitroPimp 2 дня назад +10

    Killing it, sir. killing it! I think your best work yet.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks :)

  • @kashmurray1199
    @kashmurray1199 2 дня назад +10

    I'm one that likes both. When I'm in a Nitro mood it's the best. When I'm on short time electric is great. I've had my share of problems with both but never stopped me. Great video on both. What ever we run we win.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2

      Yeah that's how I feel too.

  • @jbrc1322
    @jbrc1322 2 дня назад +6

    Nice comparison. Think it would be a good move for Arrma to put out a nitro rtr. There's a whole generation of old school nitro heads that are going into retirement and would probably pick one up. My Slayer with 18Tm and THS pipe rips! Mip clutch really brings it to life. Thanks for doing something different.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks for watching!

  • @DevinDavenport-d6w
    @DevinDavenport-d6w 2 дня назад +5

    Consistent grade A videos I learn something every time‼️

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks I'm glad you find them helpful!

  • @MCsCreations
    @MCsCreations 2 дня назад +4

    Awesome bashing, dude! Thanks a bunch for the comparison! 😃
    Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      Thanks you too!

  • @Armpagle
    @Armpagle 2 дня назад +4

    Best demonstration video about how nitro engines work!!! I thought they were like diesel ones

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah it's hard to differentiate between the two intuitively because they kind of seem the same.

  • @asajensen6730
    @asajensen6730 2 дня назад +4

    First time watching your video.. can't believe how much you taught me. I've never had a rc due to an auto accident so expensive, but I've always dreamed having one. So thank you I'm learning a lot and am excited for your channel.. your friend Asa

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      They can be expensive but there are definitely cheap options out there. Even a little Amazon special can be fun.

  • @MichaelGraves-re6uv
    @MichaelGraves-re6uv 2 дня назад +3

    Thanks for doing these nitro conversion episodes. They've been fun to watch

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying!

  • @RobertTierney-z7y
    @RobertTierney-z7y 2 дня назад +4

    I started to watch this video thinking, gosh I haven't heard this "witch is better" argument for a few years but you showed much better knowledge of 2 cycle glow engines than I had heard since I started racing RC in 1996. Yes that was really "Back in the day" as they used to say. I started racing while nitro was still king. Batteries where for flashlights etc., You nailed it. which is best depends on you. I have enjoyed everythin from a Lose Five T to a 1/76 micro car. Which was my favorite? The one I was driving at that moment. I enjoyed racing because I was sharing the hobby with others who loved it. Yes the cars and trucks where cool, but the company of other men-childs like me was just great. Thanks for this video.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      I got my first nitro in 1998 so not too far off from you.

  • @ajkr32
    @ajkr32 2 дня назад +4

    Such an awesome comparison between the two! I really do believe you’ve nailed the final summary too. It’s not Nitro Vs Electric they both win if you’re the one with a smile on your face! You can enjoy both! I believe positives of running electric or nitro are highlighted even further when you use both since you can appreciate the convenience of plug and go plus the speed or electric, but when you run nitro you’re straightaway reminded how engaging they are without even needing to take any jumps! It’s very rewarding having a nitro engine running spot on you even have some pride in that! Again both are awesome! Just like your channel loving the content on the subject!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Exactly. Whatever makes you happy is what is best.

  • @augustin84d
    @augustin84d 2 дня назад +4

    When I got into the hobby I was torn between nitro or electric - I ended up going into electric because of the ease of use, not having to carry all the extra accessories but mostly because of the quiet factor.
    While I do like the sound of nitro, it's much easier (for me at least) to run my electric cars virtually anywhere and anytime without the sound of my cars annoying/ bothering/ waking up other people (neighbors, residents and so on).
    Thanks so much for this nitro mini series, I'm lovin' it.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah noise complaints are definitely something to consider. They are loud

  • @VargrRc03
    @VargrRc03 2 дня назад +4

    Top quality content as usual my friend! Coming from somebody who is pretty new to the hobby, it's great to see a video like this as I've never looked at or even run a nitro car. Thank you 😊

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Definitely something that's fun to play around with though it's a lot more work than electric.

    • @VargrRc03
      @VargrRc03 2 дня назад +2

      @DoRC i think once I've got a full grasp of electric I may look at getting a second hand nitro car to mess with.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      @VargrRc03 be careful going second hand. A lot of the time when you buy a second hand RC you're buying someone else's problems and nitro has the potential to have a lot more problems.

  • @uknowqblaze
    @uknowqblaze 2 дня назад +4

    I miss running nitro trucks and 1/8th buggies. Great video series my guy

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад


  • @brettburns7447
    @brettburns7447 2 дня назад +3

    Awesome video thanks
    Nothing beats the sound and smell of a nitro car.
    Keep these great videos coming.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      It definitely has a charm of its own!

  • @skree_fpv436
    @skree_fpv436 2 дня назад +3

    That nitro Kraton is awesome! My only nitro was a HPI Savage X SS. It was fun but I sold it long ago. After seeing this video I kind of want to get a nitro vehicle again. Great video!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @coltonsmither9874
    @coltonsmither9874 2 дня назад +4

    I got into the RC hobby because of your videos. I personally thank you. My wallet definitely does not thank you haha.
    Typhon Grom was/is my first car. Bought it 2S and brushed. Now it’s 3S, brushless and a bunch of mods.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      It is a fun hobby but it can be expensive.

  • @QuerlenkerChaosRC
    @QuerlenkerChaosRC 2 дня назад +3

    nice conclusion, the smile on the face is crucial 👍

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      It's everything!

  • @daveh7517
    @daveh7517 2 дня назад +4

    Great video and it has been thrilling to see one of these perform! Having one of those model engines has been on my list, so please pick me. I would like to put it on a smaller RC car or boat.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Sounds like good projects.

  • @whocaresjustwatch
    @whocaresjustwatch 2 дня назад +3

    Thanks for your videos I was into rc cars did bashing and racing well I got out of the hobby due to lose of interest but watching you brings back a lot of memories of what I usde to do now im back into the hobby and I like it even more thank you

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Awesome welcome back!

  • @jnr2490
    @jnr2490 2 дня назад +2

    Another great vid on a different topical RC topic... keep 'em coming bud.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      If you guys keep watching them I'll keep making them!

  • @Eddybee6490
    @Eddybee6490 2 дня назад +2

    Excellent conversions…looking forward to more stuff

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Stay tuned a little bit more to come!

  • @bennovak4182
    @bennovak4182 2 дня назад +2

    Brother maybe i missed it but I've been watching your channel for almost a year now and I've never caught your name... A first name will do. I love your channel, absolutely love it. You connect well with us common folk, and I love the straight to the point content. Of course i watch a couple other RC-Tubers... However there's a connection to your channel that i don't get from the others. With all the other RC content creators, Yours hits closer to home in my opinion.. You channel rocks and i know it'll continue to grow.. Well done my friend.. WELL DONE! And thank you for what you do and the time and effort you put into it..,it doesn't go unnoticed.🤘🏻

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Glad you enjoy the channel Thanks for watching!

  • @doubleya215
    @doubleya215 2 дня назад +3

    Great series! I have a special place in my memory for all the hours i spent thrashing my revo. Seeing this revo is similar to hearing an old favorite song i haven't heard in years. I currently have the kraton exb v2 with a bunch of upgrades. Electric is superior in many ways. However, the nitro experience was awesome for me, and i will always remember that revo. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Fantastic work.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Yeah I get nostalgic every time I run mine too

  • @amp86400
    @amp86400 2 дня назад +2

    Ooohh I'd love to learn about combustion engines with the mini motor there! I've always thought it to be too complicated but maybe I'm wrong. Your videos have explained them really well. Better than most videos on RUclips. 🤘

    • @amp86400
      @amp86400 2 дня назад

      I wonder if it'd be enough horsepower to drop in a boat... 🤔

    • @knotical689
      @knotical689 2 дня назад

      @@amp86400 there's bigger, water cooled engines for RC boats. Once you go fuel powered you'll be hooked

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Overall they aren't terribly complicated. Maybe a little intimidating but not complicated

  • @RoostedFilms
    @RoostedFilms 2 дня назад +2

    You got that Kraton build looking really clean. Nice job man. Great content as always

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад


  • @rustycampbell2685
    @rustycampbell2685 2 дня назад +2

    As much as I love the sound of Nitro. The frustration at times with it makes me very grateful for the simplicity and power of electric rc.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah I agree with that.

  • @Pistolstorm
    @Pistolstorm 2 дня назад +2

    Awesome video! You are by far my favorite Rc channel!!! And I do miss the smell of nitro and sound

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      They are a unique thing

  • @OwenLangberg
    @OwenLangberg 2 дня назад +2

    Great video we all appreciate the amount of time and effort you put in! Having one of those model engines has always been on my wish list, just fascinating.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks the drawing will be soon :-)

  • @fly327rc
    @fly327rc 2 дня назад +6

    I haven’t done nitro for a long time. I’ve forgotten how much work they used to be. They are still very cool and the sound is worth all the work.😎👍👍✌️

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2

      I agree. I run electric 99.9% of the time but every once in a while a couple times a year I want to break out a nitro and when I do there is no substitute.

    • @Rusty-Metal
      @Rusty-Metal 2 дня назад

      I'm not seeing the extra work. I have 50/50 split of nitro and elect both helis and rc cars. Nitro is just so much more fun.

    • @fly327rc
      @fly327rc 2 дня назад

      @@Rusty-Metal if you’re in a routine it’s probably easier and if you’re not it’s a lot of work. Nitro definitely more realistic.👍✌️

    • @Rusty-Metal
      @Rusty-Metal 2 дня назад

      @fly327rc no routine. I have not run my nitro helis since last summer. Pulled 2 out last week, charged packs, fill and go. No dramas. My nitro cars have not been out since last September. Just pulled the Losi eight out, filled, charged pack, fill and go! I do not use after run oils either. I simply run until tank is dry and start 2x more. That's it! I can get away with 1 to 2 plugs in the life of the engine unless I run lean by accident. Also my engines go 10 to 12 gallons. I do zero maintenance to them. When they go I just replace. No need to repair a $ 100 to 130 engine with 12 gallons on it. Out it goes-4 screws, 1 ball link, r and r clutch, header, fuel line and she's running again. I find electric to be way more maintenance. The power and torque tears them apart. Hell on gears, bearings, shafts, and bodies as electric are heavier generally. Just my experience since 1984 doing this.

    • @fly327rc
      @fly327rc 2 дня назад

      @@Rusty-Metal Don’t get me wrong I started with nitro in the 70’s I raced the Team Associated RC500 it was the most fun ever…

  • @yingling69
    @yingling69 2 дня назад +1

    This has really been a fun series to watch! I’m looking forward to the next nitro episode!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Stay tuned I've got something special planned :-)

  • @qzf809
    @qzf809 2 дня назад +3

    Awesome video as always very entertaining 😊

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +3

      Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  • @Gatorsrok
    @Gatorsrok 2 дня назад +1

    Been wanting me a Scale 4 or 8 cylinder engine like that for some time! Would be legit to win. Been messing with engines all my life, more so LS. You're now one of my go to channels for checking for new content. Keep it up!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      If you guys keep watching them I'll keep making them!

  • @EdwardCamas
    @EdwardCamas 22 часа назад

    Awesome demonstration on how these engines really work.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks Glad you found it helpful!

  • @kevinwilliams6346
    @kevinwilliams6346 2 дня назад +1

    Really enjoy watching your show. I like the way you show ways to modify and the ins and outs of doing them

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  • @manchinator7773
    @manchinator7773 2 дня назад +1

    I would absolutely love the opportunity to tinker with the engines! Great stuff as always, thanks.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Glad you enjoyed and thanks for watching!

  • @magnoliast
    @magnoliast 2 дня назад +4

    14:39 that cut for the 6s kraton is perfect lmfao

  • @15PSI
    @15PSI 10 часов назад

    I tuned 2 stroke race bikes professionally for years. Your explanation is well done. Thank you.

    @OGWHITEFIRE 18 часов назад

    Those little engines would be perfect for kids to learn with. Good vid as always sir!

  • @RobFRC
    @RobFRC 2 дня назад +5

    I use to air out my Jammin X1-CRT nitro race truggy back in the day top speed off tall backflip ramps. It was exceptionally durable for bashing compared to the t-maxxs, revos and savages people were bashing at the time. Can't win or even finish a race with a broken truck.

    • @RobFRC
      @RobFRC 2 дня назад +1

      nitro truggy triple backflips in 06: v=PG6CX-XddLc

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2

      Yeah maybe I'm wrong I've just broken a lot more nitro engines than I have electric motors crashing off of ramps.

    • @RobFRC
      @RobFRC 2 дня назад

      @@DoRC I've never cracked a block despite most of my nitro rigs having 7075 motor mounts. I did worry about that happening when I was bashing with a novarossi 528X though😅

  • @noskaforsteven
    @noskaforsteven День назад

    Pretty impressive how well that nitro Kraton turned out, and how "factory" the finished product even looked. I enjoyed watching the car change and progress throughout the last 3 videos!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah that was the goal of this video. Previously and normally I kind of hack things together till I know they're going to work but I wanted this to look as factory as possible.

  • @OregunAdventure
    @OregunAdventure 2 дня назад +1

    Loving the content. Would love to play with those engines.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      I'll be doing the drawing soon!

  • @eriksforestryvision8751
    @eriksforestryvision8751 2 дня назад +2

    God I miss nitro. Nothing like hitting that 2nd gear on the tmaxx 2.5 & 3.3s I had. I'm so glad you did this video! What an Arrma Kraton would look like nitro set up properly. How cool.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    @THEMANCAVE2023 2 дня назад +2

    Love your vids man so much passion

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2


  • @QuerlenkerChaosRC
    @QuerlenkerChaosRC 2 дня назад +1

    I think it's great that you're also talking about gasoline engines. I don't have one yet, but that doesn't mean I'll ever have one. I'm very interested in them. But then it's a matter of finding a place where I won't disturb anyone with the loud engine. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge again.😊

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Yeah it would be cool to have an option for quieter ones

  • 2 дня назад +1

    Definitely agree on the winner of this dispute! Great video! 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @Blimpus
    @Blimpus 13 часов назад +1

    This has been a real fun journey, I miss my old Nitro days, oodles of fun! that tuned pipe is really throaty, dig it! Thanks for this fun series, can't wait for the next one you sick puppy!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  13 часов назад +2

      It has and I've got a couple more videos coming that I think you'll enjoy :-)

    • @Blimpus
      @Blimpus 12 часов назад +1

      @@DoRC way way back in the day, I worked Global Hobby Distributors and they carried a Co, called Thunder Tiger, they had just releaseed an all new nitro Monte Carlo car, that was so much fun, I loved that car. sad I live where nitro is not an option

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  12 часов назад

      @Blimpus thunder tiger is still around. They actually own team associated.

    • @Blimpus
      @Blimpus 12 часов назад

      @@DoRC shows you how long I was out of it! Associated is about 10miles away from me

  • @RCvapor
    @RCvapor 2 дня назад +1

    Awesome video as usual, enjoyed this series of videos 👍

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      Thanks Glad you enjoyed!

  • @JPTulo
    @JPTulo 2 дня назад +1

    Haven’t watched the video yet, but hats off to my favorite RC RUclipsr 💪

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Hope you enjoy it!

  • @jaysonchrzanowski9230
    @jaysonchrzanowski9230 2 дня назад +1

    Id love to give that to my dad! Hes a retired toyota tech for 45 years! They even gave him a "gold" piston award when he finally called it quits!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks for watching in the drawing will be soon!

  • @nickpinkham5903
    @nickpinkham5903 2 дня назад +1

    Another great nitro video, this has been a fun series to watch!
    I love content like this and watching them run at the track. Having come back into the hobby after a 20-year absence and seeing all the electric improvements, I thought nitro would be fully dead, but I'm glad I was wrong.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      In bashing it mostly is but there are still enthusiasts out there.

  • @Cyberbuildstudios
    @Cyberbuildstudios 2 дня назад +5

    You have a lotta krations!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +4

      Too many at the moment.

    • @Cyberbuildstudios
      @Cyberbuildstudios 2 дня назад +2

      @ how many? I lost count 🤣

  • @Trucks-r3s
    @Trucks-r3s 2 дня назад +1

    I always wanted one of those 2 cylinders they are so cool! I hope you could try making a future video with one again in a smaller rc

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Other than maybe a crawler it would be difficult to put it in a much smaller car just because of how large the engine itself is.

  • @rcmtb1052
    @rcmtb1052 2 дня назад +2

    Its all about what we want on this hobbies. Personally i like nitro’s and gas rc but i own also a lot of electric. Seeing and hearing you’re nitro in perfect tune is already achievement for me feels like IM F1 driver 😍

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      I'm not sure I would call it perfectly tuned. It was actually running a little bit rich but it's kind of where I like to keep my engines. If I want maximum performance I'm going to grab an electric car so for me it's better to keep them a little bit richer and a little bit safer

  • @boothby18
    @boothby18 15 часов назад

    I love the nitro content! I own mostly electric now but still have a nitro rustler with a 3.3 and love to run it from time to time! You can't beat the smell and the noise of nitro! 👍

  • @robertpierce3198
    @robertpierce3198 2 дня назад +1

    Man I always learn so much from ur videos keep up the great work u da man

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks I'm glad you find them helpful!

  • @IsaacSchultz-lz8jc
    @IsaacSchultz-lz8jc 2 дня назад +5

    I still wish nitro was a thing there is just something neat about having a working engine in a rc car.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +4

      They definitely are still out there but it would be cool if nitro technology had continued to advance. I wonder where it would be today

  • @FYRC15
    @FYRC15 2 дня назад +1

    Wow these Nitro vids sure look like they are doing well, go figure. I was surprised at the amount of ports in that Dynamite engine. Nice vid

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      I was too. Not only by the number of ports but the fact that it had fang cuts on the sleeve as well as had the crank knife edged and cut. Even the connecting rod was knife edged.
      I expected it to be a lot less advanced looking inside.
      Obviously there's more work you could do to it but For how little the thing costs I'm pretty impressed.
      I was also impressed with the craftsmanship. I saw no burrs or anything else that looked concerning.

    • @FYRC15
      @FYRC15 2 дня назад

      @ see that’s what I had wondered about was the craftsmanship. I started to grab one to swap in my truggies to save my race engines. Might have to try one. Great articulation in the vids.🤘

  • @brendancurtin252
    @brendancurtin252 2 дня назад +2

    Thanks for another great video 👍👍

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2

      Thanks for watching!

    • @brendancurtin252
      @brendancurtin252 2 дня назад +1

      I've haven't had a nitro yet only stuck to electric but have recently been looking to expand my collection. Can you recommend a good nitro basher to start with?

  • @brianallen4893
    @brianallen4893 2 дня назад +1

    Bro that thing is sick. Great job!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks glad you enjoyed!

  • @Imagine-Nation
    @Imagine-Nation 2 дня назад +3

    Love to try and get the motor to work in street car configuration.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +2

      I'll be doing the drawing soon!

  • @tommyt4g63
    @tommyt4g63 2 дня назад

    Your videos are so awesome!!! The way you break everything down and explain it is great. I have certainly learned a lot watching your videos. Thanks

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks for watching!

  • @lazlowcv
    @lazlowcv 2 дня назад

    I love seeing electric to nitro conversions. While nitro can be a pain, there's just something about the smell, sound for sure. Great video.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      It definitely is rewarding when you get it right. Thanks for watching!

  • @RockyMtBashers
    @RockyMtBashers 2 дня назад +1

    I love all RC man! It’s all amazing. Been an RC enthusiast since I was 11 . Anyway super cool series brother!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks Glad you enjoyed!

  • @revee1000
    @revee1000 2 дня назад

    I'm glad you made this video explaining diesel engines. Thank you

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks for watching!

  • @Mouse213_rc
    @Mouse213_rc 2 дня назад +1

    Awesome video always enjoy watching your videos, thank you for the great content!!!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Thanks for watching :-)

  • @jacksonmay6765
    @jacksonmay6765 2 дня назад +1

    This series is awesome and so is that tiny engine.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      They definitely are fun!

  • @keithazbell5731
    @keithazbell5731 2 дня назад

    Love the tear down deep dive videos.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks Glad you enjoyed!

  • @MigySaan
    @MigySaan 2 дня назад

    Really have been wanting to get my first nitro, this video really helps me understand how they work. Thank you

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Go for it! It can be a lot of work but it's also very rewarding when you get it right.

  • @christopherzatalokin8652
    @christopherzatalokin8652 2 дня назад +2

    Pretty sweet, I always thought about trying nitro.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      I say go for it. It's definitely not for everyone but it's worth trying

    • @christopherzatalokin8652
      @christopherzatalokin8652 2 дня назад

      @DoRC I have two slashes, a bandit, hoss, mini max, and trx4-m. Not sure what would be a good nitro fit.

  • @mahmga1
    @mahmga1 2 дня назад

    You would definitely have seen true forced induction. I really enjoy the custom builds, combined with the "what if..." - Always glad to see another!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yes entirely possible.

  • @alexandersheil906
    @alexandersheil906 2 дня назад +1

    That motor looks really cool 😃😃

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah it's awesome!

  • @CrazyRogue230
    @CrazyRogue230 2 дня назад +1

    i love this! nitro needs a comeback!!! good video man!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah I'm afraid it probably will never happen though

  • @tacoz125
    @tacoz125 2 дня назад

    Love that you're doing this as I'm getting into nitro it sucks that they aren't as popular as they used to be hearing that little motor roar is so much better than an electric whine

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      It definitely is more engaging.

  • @troycutsforth9234
    @troycutsforth9234 2 дня назад

    Great job. Your knowledge base is amazing. The better everything gets in this hobby the more we all win. keep it up.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Agreed. Thanks for watching!

  • @rajgill7576
    @rajgill7576 День назад +1

    We are patiently awaiting a proper diesel swap now

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Maybe someday. There aren't a lot of practical options.

  • @ellc.6143
    @ellc.6143 2 дня назад +1

    Lol I think you said unfortunately way to Manny times 😂😂😂 awsome engineering bro.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      That may unfortunately be the case.

  • @Evergreen085
    @Evergreen085 2 дня назад

    I gave away my Revo 3.3 to a father and kid who didn't have a lot of money. I miss that truck... I'm sure they got a lot of good use out of it. I now run all electric with my 4 year old son. I think Nitro trucks would probably have stayed the same. Not much to change to be honest. Guys still race the MCD rigs and they just have easier ability to swap parts. So really its just ease of access and swap-ability. That Kraton is a 1 of a kind and absolutely amazing. Brings back good memories. ( I'm 39 now) I might have to hunt down a nitro truck and teach my son about it now.... Love the channel keep up the great content. Thanks
    Edit - I happen to know the guy who made that ramp! He lives not far from me and has a great RUclips Channel. He setup a bash event at my local park and we had an amazing day. Small world.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah they're really good ramps. I use mine all the time.

  • @vivos71
    @vivos71 2 дня назад +1

    I’d love to see how that Kraton does with a proper truggy racing engine, anything with an on-board starter just robs so much power. I hope to see more of that build in the future. (Maybe even a clean-sheet 7075 chassis with optimized bracing and printed radio box)

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      You might be surprised. The pull starter does create a little bit of extra drag but I don't think it would be enough alone to make a huge difference. I've converted bump start engines to pull start before with no noticeable change in performance.
      That being said a proper race engine definitely would be more powerful

  • @kennyhilbilly
    @kennyhilbilly 2 дня назад +1

    Great vid buddy, Just got back into RC after 20 years..Nitro rules ..

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      It definitely has its charm.

  • @johnluck2279
    @johnluck2279 2 дня назад +1

    Good stuff man! Every time I watch one of your videos I’m one step closer to pulling the trigger and just buying a new basher. Been a long time but I’m sure my young kids would love to get into it.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Do it!

  • @WillyRaceITorWreckit
    @WillyRaceITorWreckit 2 дня назад

    Another amazing video man we are lucky to have you and your channel

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Thanks Glad you enjoyed!

  • @AliteralRX7
    @AliteralRX7 2 дня назад +1

    Please more nitro content this stuff is amazing

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Stay tuned :-)

  • @amp86400
    @amp86400 2 дня назад +1

    Dang, the nitro is way quicker than I expected!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад

      Yeah did pretty well. I could get it a little bit faster with a touch more tuning but I like to run my engines a little on the fat side just to keep everything safe

  • @scu-dub
    @scu-dub 2 дня назад +1

    Love my revo3.3 i built it fresh from chassis up now it sits on the shelf cause i dont wanna get it dirty😂 good to note that after every run you should make sure the piston is at the bottom so the sleeve doesn't shrink around it being top dead center or you will have blow by and lose compression 👍🏻love the smell of nitro in the morning 😊 but like you said its all about having fun man✌🏼

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      Definitely a good tip!

  • @jojohill27
    @jojohill27 День назад

    Definitely awesome to see you do all the work 💯👍

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it :-)

  • @jeremyrolfson138
    @jeremyrolfson138 2 дня назад +1

    I love all of your videos, very informative. I have one nitro and just love it, and 4 electric 1/10 scale. Keep doing what you're doing, awesome job.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  2 дня назад +1

      If you guys keep watching them I'll keep making them!

  • @jj78rcclub
    @jj78rcclub День назад

    Nitro might be old school but it's a classic that will never die. It will always put a smile from ear to ear once you hear the noise.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      It definitely is fun!

  • @OregunAdventure
    @OregunAdventure 2 дня назад +1

    I had that same roll cage on my 3.3 Revo!

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Do you know who makes it? It came with mine

    • @OregunAdventure
      @OregunAdventure 20 часов назад

      @ no clue. Mine was chrome.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад +1

      @OregunAdventure hmm. Yeah I tried figuring it out when I first got it but never could find one that looked like it.

    • @OregunAdventure
      @OregunAdventure 19 часов назад +1

      @@DoRC got it in a trade in SoCal. I took a case of Blue Moon, laminated the box, and then cut body panels out for the cage. Looked awesome. Wish I still had some pics.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  19 часов назад +1

      @@OregunAdventure That sounds pretty cool.

  • @drewski6843
    @drewski6843 2 дня назад +2

    Wow, that Nitro car! Awesome!
    Does it come with an electeic starter?
    Awesome video, man.✌️🤙
    Fpv long rang run on both cars?
    See which one out last the other.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      This one has a pull start but you can get them with electric start

  • @rozzleshnozzle9793
    @rozzleshnozzle9793 2 дня назад +1

    Im loving the nitro kraton! It would be awesome to see a nitro big rock. I reckon that would be a killer truck on nitro. Always look forward to your builds. Thanks for the hard work and great content.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      That does sound pretty awesome!

  • @romeror28rr
    @romeror28rr 7 часов назад

    Another great video for the people.

  • @sethvandyke4453
    @sethvandyke4453 16 часов назад

    Man I love nitro engines, it is amazing that an engine so small can work as well as it does.

  • @chriszak3282
    @chriszak3282 2 дня назад +1

    Super nice job of converting it to nitro, like it came out of the factory that way.

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Yeah that was the goal on this video. The previous video was just me kind of hacking things together to see how it would work. I don't really like to spend time making a polished product if it isn't going to be functional

  • @hitpointrc
    @hitpointrc 2 дня назад +1

    that engine looks tuff would be cool in my tekno sc410.3

    • @DoRC
      @DoRC  20 часов назад

      Sounds like a good project.