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first ever dp for melody pleasure at Analvids

Marc Kaye the accountant of Melody Pleasure and Cheffie Shot is visiting Cheffie Shot to help him with the bookkeeping. Melody is not at home as she is in the pub. After a while she s coming home and it looked that she had drink a to much of the wine. Cheffie is surprised that Melody is already back at home and Melody asked Cheffie if he didn t expect a package. Cheffie thought that she ment the office stuff what he orderd, but it wasn t that. Melody started to sit on Cheffie his lap and said, what s this? O wow it s the buttplug what i ve ordered for you, Cheffie said. You went to the pub with the buttplug in he asked? Melody said yes and Marc looked suprised and is waiting for what would happen. Melody is really horny because of all of the wine and start to tease and please with Cheffie. After a few minutes, they are start to play with each oher and also Marc is horny right now. After a good foreplay, Melody is riding on the cock of Marc with the buttplug in. Melody is now that horny

  • 00:39:38
  • May 23, 2023
  • 291


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