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Chloé Chevalier, a young bourgeois student who promised to have a good career as a lawyer, is on vacation in her father s secondary villa... The mayor is blindfolded by the sun but she is bored, she spends her time taking selfies on social networks. She knows that men jerk off looking at these photos when little slut never shows anything .... and then on the edge of the beach she sees a swimmer in the distance probably the owner of the clothes next to which she is sitting. While she is making a live video for these subscribers, the man comes out, he is black and above all completely naked, his soft tail hangs between his legs, but although the water is cold, it seems a good size. They explain to her that she is on a nudist beach. They both laugh and finally if he agrees to pilot his father s boat she wants to spend the day with him... she decides to give the virginity of her asshole to this big black cock and also to do as much dirty things as possible she will be ashamed of it all yea

  • 00:38:08
  • Dec 13, 2022
  • 5692


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