LIM HYUNSIK - 'DEAR LOVE' Official Music Video
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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all song in this album produced by himself Видеоклипы
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Please english sub title Cube🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so, so much, Hyunsik and Cube for the beautiful songs 😍
Melodies will always be here for Hyunsik and Btob no matter what. Melody and Btob has no ending.💝
Thank you 💙🙏
I'm here because He sang the OSt WHEN THE PHONE RINGS ❤️❤️❤️
Welcome to the world of BTOB through Hyunsik.
me too 😍
Welcome to hyunsik's World he is a great singer
Thank you for giving Hyunsik's music a try! Hope you continue to enjoy his and his group's (BTOB) discography! 💙
Here's a guide to him if you wonder:видео.htmlsi=2KRL1b5sW_dZAdBE
야아아 한국인 멜로디들 다 어디있냐아아
이거 보면 손들어어어어
다들 멋져어어어어어
나두 손이여^^
Use me as a "I was here before 1 million" button. Because we all know that this thing is gonna be a hit. I love you hyusik-ah
Its 2025, and i am still hearing and loving your masterpiece
It's 2025 and I still love this song
Same here 💙
현씩아ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ대박나라ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ사랑해ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ진짜진짜ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ현식아아아아아ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ레알루ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ대박이야ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ넌 뭘해도 다 될애야 하고픈거 다해ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ사랑해ㅜㅜㅜ10주년때까지 기다릴게💙
진짜 비투비가 다 모이는그날까지 기다릴께ㅜ
와.... 저 세상 작곡 실력으로 이 세상 살고 계신 현식님.... 뮤비는 거의 뭐 영화고요.... 왜 상 타신 거 말 안해주셨어요... 상상 그 이상.... 진짜 와.... 멜로디분들 다들 열스밍 화이팅입니다!!
@@임은솔-j2g 상상 그 이상!
비투비 팬 톡방 (카카오톡 오픈채팅방) 많은 멜로디들과 함께 즐거운 덕질하자구요!💙
1. 카카오톡 오픈채팅방 검색창에 "비투비" 검색!
2.맘에드는 카톡방 들어가기!
3. 추천 : 비투비 사진,움짤,영상 나눔방,덕질방,수다방 (790명)
4. 어떤방이든 좋은건 다 똑같아요!💙 그러니 고민하지마시고 그냥 끌리는 곳에 들어가시면 되요!💙
임현식ㅜ 진짜 다 잘하는거 같아요ㅜㅜ
Idk why i'm crying watching this mv 😂😢
He didn't appear in public as much as other btob squad members after btob hyung went to military. It turns out he's in outer space to get inspirations and now he's back to release his songs. Wow...👏👏👏👏
@K Entertainment thank you 😊
@Tampubolon justin i love it too..❤❤
BTOB's Fan chat room
(Kakao Talk Open Chatting Room) Let's have fun with the melody!💙
1. Searching for "비투비" in the Kakaotalk Open Chatting Room search window!
2. Get in the Kakaotalk Room!
3. Recommendation: BTOB Photography, Muzzle, Video Sharing Room, Duck Jilbang, and Sudangbang (790 people) korean room name: 비투비 사진,움짤,영상 나눔방,덕질방,수다방
4. Everything good is the same in any room is the same!So don't worry, just go where you're attracted!💙
@@화이트하트레인 hello, what is the chatroom code?
@@mariamalhosani5170 A code hint is a comeback day that is "beautiful pain." If you don't know, leave a comment.
와 왜 한국사람 안보이지 ㅜㅜㅜ 아 현식 오빠 사랑해💙💙 진짜 노래 좋고 뮤비도 대박이고 고생 많이 했어 ㅜㅜ 요즘 안그래도 힘들었는데 오빠 노래 나오는것만 기다리면서 살았어 ㅠ 하 진짜 내가 수능만 아니었어도 콘서트 꼭 가려고 했는데 넘 슬프다 입시 끝나자마자 제대로 달려볼께😢 그때까지 오빠가 준 선물 잘 듣고 있을테니깐 오빠두 활동 열심히 하고 쉴때마다 이렇게 찾아올께 진짜 고마워 ㅠㅠㅠㅜ 비투비 멜로디 영원하자아ㅏㅏ💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
우리 입시 다 부수고 행복하게 비투비보러 가요💙💙 수능 끝나고 비투비 볼 생각으로 수험생활 하는 멜로디 중 한 명으로서 응원할게요🙌🏻
@@user-wd9uo6my9k 시험끝나고 비투비 팬톡방 오셔서 같이 즐거운 덕질해요! 파이팅!
고3 멜로디 분들 입시 다 뿌셔요💙 비투비 보면서 다들 화이팅해요!!! 같이 덕질 할 생각하면서 한달만 버팁시당!!ㅎㅎㅎ
paul세계최강 비투비 응원 감사해요!! 수능 준비하느라 카톡도 지웠는데 수능 끝나는 날 바로 들어갈게요💙
수능잘보시고 원하는대학가시길바랄께요😀
비투비! 멜로디들은 비투비가짱이야💝
The way I jumped off my seat when Hyunsik’s voice came out on episode 2 of #WhenThePhoneRings. Oh my god he sounds so hot. I hope more people get to know him through the drama.
I became a fan of L.Hyunsik, after watching the Kdrama when the phone rings, he has a beautiful voice & songs too, I love toooo much🎉🎉🎉🎉💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
현식아 사랑해 진짜 이 우주를 통틀어 모든것이 너를 사랑하는 날이 올거야 그때도 Dear love 불러줘(?????)
When every detail of his album from writing, composing all the tracks, MV making, album concept, Solo concert is carefully created by no other than Hyunsik himself, who would not be proud??
Everyone says, I'm proud of you, Hyunsik!!
Me tooo....he ia Amazing
I'm proud of you Hyunsik💙
this mv concept was his own idea ?
@@weflexinhoodie yes..... All of this Rendez_vous thingy is his idea...
@S melody BTOB's Fan chat room
(Kakao Talk Open Chatting Room) Let's have fun with the melody!💙
1. Searching for "비투비" in the Kakaotalk Open Chatting Room search window!
2. Get in the Kakaotalk Room!
3. Recommendation: BTOB Photography, Muzzle, Video Sharing Room, Duck Jilbang, and Sudangbang (790 people) korean room name: 비투비 사진,움짤,영상 나눔방,덕질방,수다방
4. Everything good is the same in any room is the same!So don't worry, just go where you're attracted!💙
오늘처럼 마음 아픈 소식이 전해진 날에
이런 잔잔한 노래에 ‘그곳의 하늘은 어때요’같은 가사가 나오니까 나도 모르겠는데
괜스레 눈물이 나네,,,노래 좋다
무슨일 있었어요?...
무슨일 있었나요?
1년전쯤 댓글인 거 보니까 현식이 입대 정해진 날이 아닐까 싶네요!
오늘 같은 날씨에 더 생각나는..
This MV came out two months before the coronavirus outbreak. Who would have known that it was all about that self-quarantine & social-distancing life.
Hyunsik is a time traveler : confirmed!
Remember HYUNSIK from future.....he came out from a closet
Maybe it's DEJA VU LIKE OTHERS SAID .. heehhh
I'm here at this music's release. And I'll still be here after decades. Once a Melody, always a Melody.
Agree! Once u became a Melody, it was like there's no turning back. 🤣 You'll stuck here forever. Melodies are loyal.. and I'm sure about it.
Ikrr 😂
Yejiapsa Melody❤
진짜 소름돋는다ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ영화한편 보고온거같애ㅜㅜㅜ 오빠가 얼마나 고생햇는지보이고 울오빠는 머든하면 다 잘할오빠이고ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 가사에서도 나오지만 오빠 아프지마ㅜㅜㅜ 오빠아프면 나도 아파ㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 사랑하고 고맙고 이런노래를 듣게해주려고 한 고생이 보여서 미안하고ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 사랑해💙💙💙💙😢😢
비투비 10년 될 때 무조건 콘서트가서 신나게 놀테니까 걱정하지말구!!! 영원히 사랑해 고맙구💙💙💙💙💙💙💙😍😍
비투비가 다모이는 그날까지 잊지않고 기다릴께요! 사랑해요!!
Eu continuo voltando e voltando, eu amo essa
Listening to this with the thought of Sulli passing away makes my heartbreak in more ways possible. All the emotions Hyunsik has put into this music is really piercing through our hearts.
Del Dimaculangan Sulli passed away on the day this masterpiece was released. i wonder what if Sulli listened ti this one before she did what she did (i just cant say the term)?😢
Hyunsik said " Dear love, dont be in pain as i''ll be in pain too". What a beautiful song you made for us, HS❤️
I'm crying 😢this song is so emotional and suddenly i heard sulli suicide news😢
I couldn't agree more. It was my first thought too.
@@kimberlyagulan she is former f(x) member and she is actress
I'm sorry but this song is gold, hyunsik is such a genius, his songs are always so perfect
You don't have to be sorry you're right it is an amazing song i love it
he never drops a bad song this man is a masterpiece itself
his album is like a breath of fresh air in the middle of many edm hiphop kpop songs like i still find it hard to believe this album came out of a kpop idol.. he must have been listening to a lot of alternative rock bands
also his father is a folk singer so he probably grew up with all types of music
i can relate to this 10000%
BTOB was supposed to debut as a band. I'm still wishing for a BTOB rock band concept especially power ballads
와 그냥 예술작품하나 무료로 본거같음.. 이제서야 이곡을 안 내 인생레전드,, 다 듣고나니까 뭔가 공허함? 그런 느낌도 드네요,, 임현식 최고 사랑해요
The scene of him lying on the bed crying while hugging a pillow is so heartbreaking, relatable, and extremely powerful.
Oh! Are you foreign fan of BTOB? I'm Korean Melody💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
킹콩의 잡일상 Hello, Kmelo! Yes, I am a foreign fan
@@hoppipollaedits5116 wait do you call korean melodies Kmelo and international melodies Imelo?
melomoo Yes, we do! Omg you didn’t know? I’m new to the fandom, and I find “kmelos” and “imelos” names really cute. 😊
And the lyrics... So sad...
If ya'll are wondering who the beautiful girl in the music video is her name is Bae Youjin a half-korean half-nigerian girl who lives in Korea not only that but a korean in heart and in mind also she is a very sweet girl who loves her mother and closes friends and is a very talented and hardworking model.
Weird kid on the block I thought she was Korean-Nigerian?
She is half Nigerian. Not American in any way.
@@ayokaiyaji4639 what does Americans have to do with anything?
@@glxxmy are you stupid? Did you read the post well? She said she is half black American and I said she isn't American in anyway. I beg oo
Nope, not wondering at all.
You are best brother keep going same like this you are very big singer and you have incredible voice and amazing❤❤ I love this type song it's the best ever...... 🎉❤❤
Omo! My mom (a 64 yr old, retired music teacher) was taking her noon time nap. I was playing this while doing some work. Then after a few minutes she asked, "Who's that? Still BTOB?"
Me: Yes. This is Hyunsik. The one who came here in the Ph last December.
She: He has a wonderful voice. That type that penetrates the heart deeply.
Hours later, I was watching BTOB-BLUE's performances. And she saw Hyunsik.
She: Who's that again?
Me: Hyunsik.
She: He really has a wonderful voice.
Then she heard Changsub.
She: Oh! He has a wonderful voice too.
Then it was Eunkwang's turn.
She: I really like his voice.
We ended up watching all BTOB-BLUE's live perfomances.
She: They've got good voices and they blend so well.
Mind you, my mom is very hard to please hahaha. And currently she is enjoying All the Butlers/Master in the House. And she commented, "Sungjae really is a deep individual."
I was teasing her because she really love the voices of the BTOB-BLUE although she still is confused with the BTOB members (except Eunkwang and Sungjae).
Me: Why you keep listening to my boys?
She: I like them
Me: Weh? You like *bleep bleep* of *bleep bleep*
She: Nah. I like these boys now.
So I guess she's a Melomom now hahahaha! She really is a fan of Sungjae because of the reality show. She's always amazed when he say words with depth.
This is part of my playlist. And when this song plays, my mom excitedly says, "Oh! My favorite!" I laughed at her. She told me, "His voice and the melody pierce through my heart. I'm a sentimentalist that's why I really love this. Can you put this song in my cellphone? Please!" Hahaaha!!!!! And now she's humming it.
She's a certified Melomom! Though she's a Melona (and got excited when I gave her a Sungjae pin), this is probably her most favorite song.
**UPDATE IN DEC 2020 !**
I usually listen to BTOB chillaxing songs as my background music while working. At some point, I listen to other Kpop idols whom I hear that they have great voices.
She: Who's that?
Me: Bleep
She: They have great voices but they don't blend well.
Me: Aren't great voices and vocal techniques ingredient to blending?
She: Somehow it's a gift. Like, when you eat the same type of food. Even the cooks follow the exact amount of ingredients and follow the same process, you'd notice that the same recipe tastes different - some taste good, some taste bland, some taste bad. A mystery right? Just like music or singing... some have great voices and techniques but when they sing together, they don't blend well.
Me: So you mean, BTOB has a gift?
She: Their voices are great and they do blend so well. Not just pleasant to the ears but piercing through the heart too. That's a gift.
I was listening to a playlist of Hyunsik, and it came to him performing Moondance.
She: Who's that?
Me: Hyunsik
She: He also sings in English? Wow, is that really him? I thought it's another artist. He really has a wonderful voice.
Me: (texted her) Today is Ilhoon's first trial.
Her reply: Let's pray that he's going to be acquitted (I don't know what's the right translation for abswelto). It's okay. He is Michael. Ilhoon is surrounded by the angels. Let's see the results of this trial. It's very important.
**UPDATE MAY 2021**
My mom got sick and was preparing for a major operation yesterday.
Me: Fighting, Nay. Today is your Sungjae's birthday.
She just laughed.
**MAY 5 2021 UPDATE**
The doc came and we just learned that my mom has cancer. I don't know what to feel. It's like my mind is floating in space. I listen to BTOB songs for comfort and I came here. This and the message hit differently tonight. My heart freakingly hurts
**UPDATE: MAY 15, 2021: 16th DAY IN THE HOSPITAL**
I covered my mom with a blanket, as she slept. She woke up.
Me: Are you cold?
Her: Nope. Tsk. I was dreaming about Sungjae and the butterflies.
Lels! 😅 I love her and I'm still having a hard time accepting our situation but her comments make me laugh.
**MAY 31,2021**
We stayed at the hospital for 19 days (1st admission). 11 days after discharged,we are back here again for our 2nd admission. She got fever. The sad thing is, our respiratory units in the hospitals are full since we have a surge of covid cases. There are protocols and req for admission. It was painful to be rejected twice. I cried in front of others and almost knelt just to beg that she would be accommodated. The feeling that you understand why there's a strict protocol but it's hard to accept especially when you see your own mother suffering. God moves in His mysterious ways and after the necessary requirements, we are back in the hospital again.
I just had a talk w/ her surgeon. Scientific terms flew over my head. What I know is, they are doing their best to take care of her. Let us just pray that we would not resort into operation. It would be critical for her. I have not known what stage her cancer is but I know that she is also fighting.
I always come back here because this is her fave song. In the past days, out of nowhere, she would just ask how Ilhoon is, who won in Kingdom, or she would play this or the performance of Eunkwang and his mom. One time she listened on her praise and worship playlist when Dear Love played suddenly. She frowned and said, "What is this song doing in my praise playlist?" I laughed so hard. But guess what? She did not press the Next button HAHAHAHA! She really loves this song so much.
**JUNE 2021**
I learned yesterday that my mom's CA is stage 4 and if she won't respond to chemo, she has 3 months or less.
It is really heartbreaking.
**JUNE 20, 2021**
My mom doesn't respond to chemo. Her CA is also the aggressive type. She is slowly deteriorating. She will go anytime....
**JUNE 24, 2021**
Nanay passed away last June 21 at 5:36am. It really hurt. I cut my butt length hair and tied it to her wrists, and shaved my head as a form of mourning.
**JULY 23, 2021**
My heart is not bottomless, nor it is made of steel. It hurts every time I hear this song. My life revolved around Nanay. I remember the weeks before she passed away, I told her that we would grow old together, watch btob concert together, go to various places, etc. We cried together and she told me, "My star (her endearment for me), you have to take me out from your dreams. You have to go on." My heart broke a million times because somewhere in my deepest being I knew that she would go away. The lyrics from Don McClean's Empty Chair and Jim Croce's Time in a Bottle actually describe me somehow.
My dad also died from cancer 9 years ago. It's just me and my bro. My friend told me that I am now the pillar of strength in my mom's lineage. I should be strong. BUT HOW? I know I am considered as an adult in the eyes of the society - - - but I never knew that to lose both parents are so heart breaking and soul crushing. I still need them....I need their embraces, I need to hear their encouragements. I need them. There's a hole in my heart that cannot be healed forever. How do you reset your dreams? How do you go on? How do you become the strength for your only sibling?
**SEPTEMBER 26, 2021**
I dreamed about my parents more than five times this month. I begged them not to leave because it's only in my dreams that I was able to hear their voices and feel their embraces. I begged from the bottom of my heart while sobbing.Then I woke up at 2AM with tears on my face and pillow plus a hallow heart.
**NOVEMBER 14, 2021**
I do not know why I am making this comment sort of a diary.
The year has not yet ended and the pain still continues to drill inside my heart. I kept on dreaming about my parents most of the time these past months. My security blanket is gone. I am an adult, yet I feel like a lost child in the middle of the crowd. Trials come and go but sometimes, I feel that challenges want to hug us tightly.
My brother lost his job due to an unfortunate event and as I am writing, he has a fever now. As an elder sister, it makes me feel so inadequate. To be honest, I worry. I almost lost him almost 4 years ago due to sickness that's why I am also scared. I am an adult, I should be strong and yet here I am, writing while crying silently. My soul is shouting but my lips are sealed. My tears are louder than my whispers. At the same time, I am holding my mom's unwashed T-shirt, wanting to feel her warmth. No matter how I try to hug it tightly - it's cold and empty.
Missing You has four seasons, and I am here sitting only with one - - rainy. My parents died on a rainy season, and as I am writing right now, it is also raining . Do you think the heavens is crying with me right now? Do you think God is listening to the cry of my soul? Tell Him please to place even a band aide on my broken heart... please.. please...
**UPDATE 2024**
Hi, I just underwent a surgery last Oct. I had TAHBSO. The biopsy results showed cancer, stage 1A. I'm still waiting for my treatment plan. Well, I just do not know what to say but thankful to everyone's prayers and well wishes. Life is still beautiful despite the trials. There are times that I feel that the event of my life is tragically poetic. I never thought that I could be a sentimental person. I will never become pregnant and I felt sad in the way that the lineage stops with me. The night before the operation, I felt that all my ancestors were looking down at me. Well... I thank God that I have met you through BTOB.
Soon or later it seem you mom will become melomom 😅🤭
Woah!!! This is such a nice true to life story you just shared. Send regards to your mom 😭🤗😊
I am the same age as ur mom . But also a new BTOB fan after listening to Dear Love . I listened to this if I can’t sleep .
Love this! My regards to your mom :))
@@bryama2129 Is there a thing called melomom, because I want to be that. haha
우리 임작곡가님 짱이야ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 현식이 음악 감성 너무 좋아 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I still dont get why this didnt go over 1M bc this song and mv is honestly a masterpiece!!!
People are slow on picking up hidden gems 😵 Totally underrated
Funnily enough, Swimming also has around 800k views. But I totally agree, like... what the heck, people?
Maybe some people prefer to listen it in music app than youtube
me and ma friend heard this song everyday, we love this song so much and omg i can't understand why the view developed slowly...
i was like....i knew btob long long ago, but this song really hooked me and begin digging the hidden gems.
my day won't be completed if not hearing their songs now.
2025 and still my dear love
i never being in relationship or being deep in love to someone, but hyunsik's songs always make me hurt like i lost someone that i love the most, tho i don't hv one :((
i feel the same when i listen to someday, missing you, beautiful pain, swimming, and this song too 😢 like... it's really hurt me so deep and make me cry :((
just me thanks god i'm not alone 🤣😢😢😢😢
He has parents I always think he would ask them and friends
@@dianaosazenaye1313 ... it's about me. not hyunsik😅 his music gave me that feeling...
I'm not even his fan idk wo he is. I am recently going through a very hard time in my life so i was diverting my mind here on YT and this was in my recommendations and got clicked on by mistake and now idk why am i crying like an idiot. His voice has this thing, it went right through my heart idk i felt so vulnerable. the lyrics his face the mv everything touched my heart so much. Whoever you are THANK YOU SO MUCH It was so beautiful and you're so talented. I hope the whole world gets to recognize your talent.
Hi! He is Hyunsik from BTOB. He compose this song and a lot of BTOB's music. This is his solo song that is why he is the only one you can see here and this also his concept. If you want another music from him and his group, I'll recommend another emotional song *MISSING YOU, BEAUTIFUL PAIN, ITS OKAY, WAY BACK HOME, SOMEDAY, PLEASE/CLIMAX* those are my healing songs from the Healing-dol BTOB.
@@usandyouyouandwebtobandmelody Hi. thank you so much for telling me who he is, you're so kind. I kept thinking where have i seen him before and now that you mentioned it i remember i saw him before in a variety show with Monsta X (I'm a MX fan/monbebe). I loved this song and his voice so much. His voice has this very calm yet very sad/emotional/desperate touch to it when he sings about love and i guess that's why it touched my heart so much. I have been listening to this song on repeat since yesterday. I will definitely listen to your recommended songs from this group. Thank you so much once again 💕
@fuzz378 thank you so much i really hope that too 💕
If you're going through a hard time I recommend you SWIMMING from him and IT'S OKAY from his group Btob. It's for me the most meaningful and helpful songs at times like this ;)
My best friend who is not into kpop listened to this and he cried. YOU KNOW THE POWER YOU HOLD?!
I'm not really into Kpop until I met BTOB... I mean, I still don't listen too much of Kpop except BTOB's. Their songs are really beautiful and my preference too. Somehow I feel your bestfriend with regards to this song. The melody and lyrics are melancholic at the same time hopeful. The MV also matches the song....
I think me and your best are going to get married now🌝
@fuzz378 tears failling down everytime while playing this song...
I cried hard too, it's touched me in my deepest I LOVE IT ❤️.
@fuzz378 agreed
Btob best ❤❤❤
This song just grows on you when you hear it a couple times. Its song that gets better when you just play it again.
It’s like K-POP idols are never able to experience love while they’re idols but they write the most amazing songs about love 😭😭❤️
I think that behind the curtains, a lot of them actually date. At least I hope, because they deserve it. 💖
AmSamGram not really and if they do they really have to do it in secret cuz when they sign their contract they sign a paper saying that as long as they’re in that contract they can’t date. 😭😭
@@randalol2748 they actually date in secret
@@randalol2748 your fav probably have a girlfriend dont be delusional
@@randalol2748 and the no dating contract is only in their debut period after that they can date still in secret
In my heart this MV has a million views and likes
This song deserve millions of views. 😭
Same. This song deserves better than just a hundred views.
It makes me more sad knowing that the results not same as Hyunsik’s workhard.
oh he sounds good
Hyunsik eat a sound system. He's a composer, producer, lyricist, arranger, he also do sample sounds and he play different instruments.
Edit: he's also a degree holder of Practical music and a full KOMCA member. His group is a vocal powerhouse also play at least one instrument. Check more about him and his group, they don't disappoint.
아 진짜 역시 언제나 당연히 기대를 실망시키지 않는 천재작곡가 임현식... 짱이다 ㅠㅠㅠ..😭😭💙💙💙💙
항상 멜로디를 실망시키지 않는 천재 작곡가 임현식 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
임현식 천재야 고마워 정성들인 음악 들려줘서 진심으로 고마워. 늘 위로받고 그 마음 받고있어. 임현식 임현식 임현식...! 계속 우리 곁에서 음악해줘
현식이 오빠 계속 멜로디 곁에서 음악해주세요!
his voice is literally everything. im so proud of him
❤❤que canción mas bella y la voz de él una delicia para los oidos
This song and MV is really great, but can we talk about how a black girl WITH her natural hair is presented as the love interest in the MV!! Hyunsik really said f*ck colorism and racism, pretty is pretty. (Ngl, as a black girl it feels nice to be appreciated rather than ridiculed through the Korean media for once 🥰)
Walaupun tidak seterkenal penyanyi solo lainnya tapi saya yakin si hyunsik akan bertahan lama di industri musik kpop karena lagu2nya bagus dan dapat didengar di semua kalangan
very well said..Hyunsik's talents must recognized worldwide and internationally..
Agree.. very well said..
BtoB, Hyunsik, Sungjae, dll aku sungguh telat 8th untuk tau ada idol dg suara yg aku suka.
아 진짜 개좋다 아니 저거 뭐야 하 그냥 아 쪼꼬미 하리보가 우주에서 막 막 ㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠ
He's beautiful.
킬링보이스 보고 들렀습니다. 목소리가 진짜 보물이시네요 노래 너무 좋아요ㅠ
Imagine if this was used as one of OST in "The King: Eternal Monarch" the concept is the same with the drama :)
So true 💙 kdrama should use btob songs as ost 💙
And the lyrics tells about the story! Good one!
I agree!!! Their last OST was on Fight for my Way?, if i'm not mistaken
@@VanessaSantos-hh8zm Last Ost I Heard Of Btob taking A part In a Kdrama ' Cinderella and four knights ' - 'For You' is the MV . 👍
starting my first day of 2025 with this lovely song
오라버니,, 이건 또 무슨 새로운 잘생김인건가요,,진짜 이번 앨범 완전 열심히 준비했다던데 기대치보다 훨씬 더 큰 이런 작품을 주셔서 고마워요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ인터뷰에서 연기 민망했다던데 왤캐 잘해,,(사스가 연기돌(?)) 아 아무튼 이번 앨범 완전 대박난다!!! 민혁이가 말했듯 딱 식이만의 스타일이어서 너무 좋다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ임현식 사랑해,,예지앞사!
작곡 노래 연기 얼굴 악기 못하는게 뭐야
비투비 서열1위답다
못하는게 없는 임현식
The song is like 5 mins long and I didn't notice, now THAT'S how you make a ballad (also his vocals and the MV, send help I'm CRYING SO DAMN HARD TT-TT)
Waittt, this song was released 9 months ago and I always listen to it. But I just realized this song lasts more than 5 minutes after reading your comments
@@imswimming7242 oH MY HSBAHJBDJHS that was me after finishing the video, it was like "wait, 5 MINS????" so yes, Lim Hyunsik & team talented
What the heck!!!!!! I never saw that coming. I thought it was 3 minutes. My god and here I didn't used to hear songs longer than 4 minutes.
I didn't notice until I read this! And I am totally crying right now. This song and this music video are both so beautiful!
When I listened to it yesterday for the first time, I saw the 5 min mark and wondered “why is it so long?”, then after I listened to the song I wondered “ahhhh why does it end now isn’t there more?????”
노래 잘했습니다 👍 👍
This song is so comforting especially nowadays...
I know right ? Nowadays I listen to this song, Wayo, Losing you, Comes with the wind and I feel better ❤
Not gonna lie, hyunsik's masterpiece always make me cry
와... 진짜로 멜로디들을 실망시키지 않는 임천재 작곡가님 잘생겼어야
완전 잘생겼다!!
J'aime trop cette chanson 😢
Quelle voix magnifique 😮😮🎁🌄
The song? A masterpiece.
The video? A masterpiece.
The visual? A masterpiece.
Lim Hyunsik? A masterpiece.
Dear Love… this sounds still echoes and gives me the chills every time I visited, it brings me tear each time and causes such deep aching. Thank you LS for such masterpiece that last forever in the heart of the listener.
This song should broadcast in international space station.
Also, who chose the cast? I mean, the girl. I LOVE it 😍 I'm shipping them instantly. Really, it feels like watching a space romance movie.
The girl is a model and she's only 16 years old 🤣 you can search her, Bae You Jin. she is a mix Korean. Her mother is Korean.
Crown Jinu She is 17 btw😉
@@joypark0520 ahh ok thanks
@@crownjinu She's Nigerian-Korean.. I like her, she has an infectious smile. I hope a big modelling company will sign her.
there's a video about her on asian boss' youtube channel too.
오랜만에 들어도 좋다
우주복 잘어울리는 남자는 당신뿐이야,,,,
임현식 미모 미쳤고 노래 너무 좋다 임현식이 최고야 💙💙 뮤비 너무 귀엽고 멋있고 섹시하고 현식이 하고 싶은 거 다 해 ㅜㅜㅜ 아 진짜 너무 잘생긴 거 아니여 ? 이건 반칙이지 증말 항상 응원하고 늘 보고싶은 현식아 언제나 사랑해 예지앞사 💙💙💙💙💙💙
현식이 오빠 제대하면 오빠가 하고 싶은거 다해요! 멜로디가 응원할테니까!!!
This is how angels sound when they sing.
Maravillosa voz!!!
As we expect, we got a very beautiful song and MV from Im Hyunsik. His skill on singing and composed song is no joke! The song and the MV can mixed up together and make a story that make my heart flutter and touched. He is really do his best for this whole things, so let's give our best support to him. We love you to the moon and back Im Hyunsik! 오늘도 고마웠어 오빠!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Let's make him proud💙💙
yes. fighting!💙
BTOB's Fan chat room
(Kakao Talk Open Chatting Room) Let's have fun with the melody!💙
1. Searching for "비투비" in the Kakaotalk Open Chatting Room search window!
2. Get in the Kakaotalk Room!
3. Recommendation: BTOB Photography, Muzzle, Video Sharing Room, Duck Jilbang, and Sudangbang (790 people) korean room name: 비투비 사진,움짤,영상 나눔방,덕질방,수다방
4. Everything good is the same in any room is the same!So don't worry, just go where you're attracted!💙
Let's keep streaming!💙💙💙
am i the only person who realised that btob sings beautiful melodies that calm u?
Keep streaming melodies..Sungjae's MV reached the 1 million mark already..We need to give Sikkie's MV that well as other solo releases and BTOB MV' least for now that most of us are not busy due to lockdown...
I’m having these feelings that I don’t have 😭😭😭😭
*Dear Sulli, you should be here, love.*
Was staying up just waiting for the MV release when the news broke out, and it's all I can think about now. Thank you, Hyunsik, for creating this beautiful music that a lot of us need right now.
Rip Sulli
RIP Sulli
same 😭
RIP SULLI😢 I'm not a fan but I don't think she deserved the hate she got. I don't hate her either❤ a few minutes before our quiz, I saw the news about her and was really shocked. Did not really expected that😢
I am a 66yr old lady from Australia that loves music that runs through the body. This is just beautiful. I sleep peacefully with this in the background.
Hyunsik is my utt so my comment may be biased but I find it amazing that he is not objectifying black women but making sure they are put on a spotlight in which they can be noticed as vulnerable and delicate, just as other women
Посмотрела ост к дораме звонок и пошла искать исполнителя. Какой же великолепный голос у парня. Теперь ты мой любимчик, голос божественный.
Who dare dislikes hyunsik's song,come and fight me!
Nado I wanna kick those who had no taste on music.😂
those are the one who search for movies of this MV who dissapointed and they want it in NETFLIX hahaha
I know, right? Tsk 😒
pressed with the presence of a musician
군대 간다는 소식 듣고 오랜만에 왔는데 여전히 노래가 좋아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 오빠 군대에서도 다치지 말고 잘하구 와요 오빠 제대할 쯤이면 고3끝나고 대학 입학할 때일거 같은데 대학 합격해서 떳떳하게 덕질할게요!!! 그때까지 잊지 않고 기다릴 테니 몸 건강히 잘 하고 와요💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
오빠 군대에서 다치지 말고 건강하게만 나와요! 그때 까지 기다릴께요!
It's like an OST for an upcoming movie.
that's the first thing I was thinking about...
Agree.. or kdrama.. I hope it would be included in an OST..
Someone's saying its suit to The King: Eternal Monarch
Lim hyunsik is the best
Dear Love a song taken from an idea of how molecules that split into two are still connected to each other through quantum entanglement and share their thoughts - something Lim likened to how love works. There may be a person out there who’s connected to you even when you’re halfway across the universe “as if you were one from the beginning,” said Lim.
Whoa... Where did you get this from? It's deep!
I've always been fascinated by those quantum theory...
Now I cant unsee this mv the same anymore 😂
This is what us called as "JODOH" in bahasa indonesia 😂
Indeed its really Sikkie..❤️❤️
indeed, intellectual and artist at the same time our hyunsikie 👏
This is why i become fan of btob not just they are goodlooking guys bcoz they are talented when it comes to singing^^ actually their songs can use in ost kdrama :) sana mapansin sila kagaya ng ibang idol sobrang gagaling nila
Sana nga po kasi .They're so talented .They're vocal is no joke. Sana ma pansin sila ng international Fan kasi sa Korea they're doing well naman.
They do have ost in the drama "Cinderella and the four Knights". They won awards for it as well. I'm sure they did many more ost.
when the father of music becomes the father of space
@Zakia Bibi of course!!
Beautiful song ♥️♥️♥️
This song is a masterpiece this man not as a idol a true artist he compose of his own solo album
Just thinking of how many people would fall in love with Hyunsik and his mad talent if he was on kingdom. They'd be so enchanted by his eye smile 😍 I miss you Hyunsik!
what is kingdom?
They said they wanted to be invited again lmao. I say they should go but as special guests who want to have fun instead.
I think so
Dear love 나와 얽힌 그대여
아프지 말아요 나도 아프니까
Oh my love 그곳의 하늘은 어때요
혹시 그대도 저 달을 바라보며
나를 그리워하나요
광활한 우주를 건너 멀리
이 세상 어디 있어도 우리
빛보다 더 빨리 사랑을 보고 느껴요
My love
서로를 품에 안고서 다시
완벽한 사랑이 되어 우리
언젠가 결국 만나
우리 처음의 그 모습으로
We should be in love
우리 둘 사이에는 어떤 공간도 없죠
걱정하지 말아요
우린 우연이 아닌 운명일 테니까
Dear love 나와 얽힌 그대여
변하지 말아요 난 변하기 싫어요
My love
광활한 우주를 건너 멀리
이 세상 어디 있어도 우리
빛보다 더 빨리 사랑을 보고 느껴요
My love
서로를 품에 안고서 다시
완벽한 사랑이 되어 우리
언젠가 결국 만나
우리 처음의 그 모습으로
We should be in love
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
We should be in love
Thank you sooooooo muchhhh!!
진짜루!! 감사합니다♡
Alguém em 2025???? To viciada nesse cantor 😢❤
*Petition to make a drama starring Hyunsik as a main lead.*
I don't understand why a masterpiece like this doesn't even have a million views???
gonna hit 1M just in a matter of days.
let's work hard for it to reach 1m
It's 1 million now🥰
Good things never stay hidden for long💕
Happy new year 2025🎉
Stanning him was the best decision i've ever made
Hyunsik is a good actor too. His acting is good 💙
True he should do a drama!!🤗
Before I was constantly on the edge and had many issues with myself. I avoided sad songs and ballads to drown and distract me from that fact. I liked loud, flashy and repetitive songs that was mainstream in kpop at that time. Now I that grew up and learned so many things, ballads now speak my soul. I am a new melody and I love btob so much. They are so in tune with their emotions and their songs made me embrace all the sad, happy, painful and blissful parts of life. They deserve the whole world.
Welcome to the club! Never too late to be a Melody
Nora Grace Welcome! I’m glad you can open up and heal. Fighting! hug~~~
Im glad BTOB manage to touch your heart.. Himnae....
welcome to the clubㅋㅋ
Btob songs are healing! I'm the opposite, I only like ballads before but btob dance song or loud song is acceptable in my ears
Essa música e linda o clipe tbm
Well done Hyunsik! One of the reasons why I would never regret being a Melody although I was 7 years late. Hi to all those new Melodies like me.
Better late than never. 🤗
I'm a three months old melody. 👐 Hi.
I am a fan of almost one year 😁
7month-old melody here. Same here. Stanning them is one of the best thing I will never regret.
Hi. Welcome welcome. I am a year old melody. Hehe. 🤟🤟
I read somewhere that this is inspired by the concept of quantum entanglement. Hyunsik and physics is the death of me
yes - space things like this is so Hyunsik 💙
who love hyunsik and BTOB ?